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Sunday School
10:00 am Sunday morning in the McIntyre Room.
Not held during summer months




Every other Wednesday at 7:00 pm in Cumings Hall

Zoom also available

Food Pantry Distribution


Help is needed on the third Friday of the month for the food pantry distribution.

Alcoholics Anonymous


Contact Randy Snyder for information.

St. John's Prayer List



Heavenly Father, giver of life and health; comfort and relieve your sick servants:


Lucille, Alicia Kelley, Ron & Candy Rude, Leonard, Nancy Shamel, Cindy Clark, Carolyn & Randy Snyder, Karen Carpenter & family, Richard Sova, Raymond VanAmburg, William, Nicholas & Alison Sanchez,  Heidi Harvey, Barb Slieff, Stefanie Dover, Ray Anderson, Roberta Fukuie, baby Charlie, Scott Griswold, Dwayne McAllister, Clair Gordon, Jack Hutton, Jeremy Deland, Joanna Cekala, Ted Garbutt, Carol Hall, Tracey Marshall, Jim Bunch, Doris & Erwin Sutton, Layne Bodily, Shawn Lock, Linda Swartz, Sue Middlewood, Ed Leidell, Christel Ivey, Erica Badour, Mark Elie, Marilyn & John Strader, Randy Crawford, Gage Doolin, Brian Rumley, John Ross, Valerie Carpenter, Donna Thayer, Debbie Ely, Jacquelyn Marcean, Jane & Jim Hart,  June Campbell, Colton Bueche,  and all those exposed to and suffering from COVID-19; give your power of healing to those who minister to their needs, that they may be strengthened in their weakness and have confidence in your loving care; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.

Prayers are also needed for those who passed on to the greater glory of God’s eternal kingdom… 

Prayers for our church leadership: The Vestry and the MMS Team as well as the Standing Committees of Eastern and Western Michigan.

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